Maricris Villanueva

As a child, I really enjoyed art. However, I was lost for quite some time, not really being on "track" according to the roadmap provided by the school. I felt like I was falling behind and just not learning anything at all. However, that changed when I got a taste of a design class. Design has allowed me to learn more about myself and understand what and why I create things. I love to share stories within my designs. Each design has a story to tell, and I am honored to be able to do that. A touch of silliness can really create a design that is worthwhile.

Fairy Garden

Fairy Garden is a series that explores a series of dynamic photographs from household plants, and creates a scene that consists of a blue figure, and a pink fairy.
Image Making
DSGD 110

How do you use American Sign Language?

How do you use American Sign Language, ASL for short, is an informative motion graphic that goes more in depth of how ASL is used, word order, word phrases, word signs, and fingerspelling and the use for it.
Info Motion Graphic
DSGD 131

Jenny's Visualizations

Jenny’s Visualizations is a poster series that highlights moments of visualizing design or feelings throughout the week of Jenny La, a fellow Graphic Design BFA student.
Infographic Poster
DSGD 120

Junior Achievement Worldwide

Junior Achievement Worldwide is a nonprofit organization that helps less fortunate students ranging from five to 25 to learn and prepare themselves for financial stability.
Nonprofit Organization Rebranding
DSGD 105

Colorful World

Colorful World takes a look at the world of Majia Peeples-Bright and fully immerses people in her ideals and techniques that she has done throughout her 85 years of living.
Exhibition Design
DSGD 120

Ma's Lasa

Ma’s Lasa is a product and brand that focuses on combating sachet packaging waste in the Philippines, and encouraging beginner cooks that want to start cooking Filipino food.
3D Product Design & Packaging
DSGD 141